Feeling uncertain about

how to sell “intangible” transformation?

Here’s the method my clients and I use to magnetically attract pre-sold high-ticket clients for offers of $5k, $10k, $30k

without having to constantly chase after leads, compete,

prove yourself or convince anyone!

In this super-short mini-series I’ll show you how my clients and I get leads to sell themselves using this innovative Quantum Client Attraction system, without a huge following, new program launches, or hiring a team.

here's what you'll learn:


Why you get overlooked by high-ticket clients – and how to become the go-to choice for your ideal premium clients, the kind who are ready to invest no matter what.


Why you get a ton of objections on the sales calls – and how to convert leads into buyers without living in your DMs, convincing or pressuring anyone to buy, or hiring a sales team.


Why bro-marketing strategies don’t work for you – and how to sustainably grow by activating your Wealth by Soul Design© energetics, without forcing yourself into out of integrity tactics.

meet your host:

Eugenia Oganova is A Business Strategist & Marketing Energetics Coach.

She helped hundreds of clients activate momentumcatalyze awakening, and fast-track business success, turning timelines of decades into mere months.

She's been featured in over 100 publications, became a 4-times international best-selling authorgenerated multiple 7-figures of revenue working with clients around the world. She's also clairvoyant since birth.

Eugenia specializes in helping online coaches dramatically increase their monthly income, by $10k or $100k depending on your business level, all without the added pressure, sacrificing personal well-being, or succumbing to the dreaded burnout.

  • Over the past 20+ years Eugenia's clients have transformed their lives, 10x the value of their investment, and activated their unique profit potential.

  • She works with the top 1% of the 1% – her clients are here to serve humanity at the highest level – conscious coaches on a mission.

  • You’re in good hands. Period.

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